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Nasal Catheter Placement
DoveLewis Director of Patient Care Sarah Harris, CVT, VTS (ECC) reviews how to place a nasal catheter. This video utilizes a cadaver that was generously donated for teaching and learning purposes.
Trocharization Set Up and Prep
DoveLewis Director of Patient Care Sarah Harris, CVT, VTS (ECC) reviews how to set up and the equipment needed for a trocharization procedure.
Mast Cell Tumor Removal
DoveLewis Surgeon Andrea Sundholm, DVM, DACVS-SA, removes a mast cell tumor from a canine patient.
Case Review: Koi Fish Radiographs
DoveLewis Veterinarian Kelly Flaminio, DVM, reviews a case of a Koi Fish that was presented at DoveLewis Emergency Animal Hospital. Check out this video, Koi Fish Anesthesia, to learn more about the anesthetic procedure!
Overview of Placing Intraosseous Catheters
DoveLewis Intern Gavin Selby, DVM, discusses how and when to use an intraosseous (IO) catheter in veterinary patients.
Blood Chemistry Machine
DoveLewis Technician Trainer, Jessica Waters, CVT, reviews how to run a chemistry panel. Don't forget to bookmark this video as you complete the skills checklists in the Level One Technician Training Kit!
Lateral Recumbency Intubation
DoveLewis Director of Patient Care Sarah Harris, CVT, VTS (ECC) reviews how to intubate a canine patient in lateral recumbency. This video utilizes a cadaver that was generously donated for teaching and learning purposes.
Baxter Syringe Pump Setup
DoveLewis Technician Connie Christensen, CVT, demonstrates how to use a Baxter syringe pump.
Answering Medical Questions Over the Phone
DoveLewis Director of Patient Care Sarah Harris, CVT, VTS (ECC) reviews how to answer client questions over the phone.
Don't forget to bookmark this video as you complete the skills checklists in the Level One Technician Training Kit! You can…
Case Review: Chinchilla Laceration Repair
DoveLewis Veterinarian Kelly Flaminio, DVM, reviews a case of a chinchilla that presented with a leg laceration.