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Administering a Rabies Vaccine to a Dog
DoveLewis Technician and Blood Bank Coordinator Kelsey Reinauer, CVT, demonstrates giving a rabies vaccine to a canine patient.
Urine Specific Gravity Test
DoveLewis Technician Connie Christen, CVT, reviews how to complete a urine specific gravity test using a refractometer.
Using a Glucometer
DoveLewis Technician Connie Christensen, CVT, demonstrates how to use a glucometer for measuring blood glucose.
Centesis Equipment Setup and Patient Prep
DoveLewis Technician Assistant Manager Megan Urton demonstrates how to set up for a centesis procedure, such as a thoracocentesis. Megan reviews the equipment and supplies needed, as well as tips for patient preparation.
Sample Preparation for Outside Lab
DoveLewis Urgent Care Assistant Moth Eldritch reviews how to prepare lab samples for evaluation.
ICU Bootcamp: Wound Care and Bandaging
DoveLewis Technician Trainer, Jessica Waters, CVT, reviews bandage care for patients that are hospitalized in the ICU.
ICU Bootcamp: Fluids
DoveLewis Technician Connie Christensen, CVT, reviews how to provide fluids for patients in the ICU.
ICU Bootcamp: Respiratory Monitoring in the ICU
DoveLewis Director of Patient Care Sarah Harris, CVT, VTS (ECC) discusses what patients are candidates for "respiratory watch" and the importance of thorough monitoring in the ICU.
Administering Subcutaneous Fluids to a Parakeet
DoveLewis Veterinarian Kelly Flaminio, DVM, demonstrates administering subcutaneous fluids to a parakeet.
Tortoise Sedation
DoveLewis Exotics Technician Jamie Michaelis, CVT, demonstrates how to administer a sedative injection to a tortoise.